Read more about: SIPR'S Membership Pillar, SIA Membership
Related Post:  How to join our club?

The Soroptimist International federation identified four key areas that would be the focus of each Soroptimist member club. These aspects were referred as "Four Pillars of Success".  The four identified aspects were Program ,Membership,Fundraising and Public Awareness.The federation considers the above-mentioned pillars to be the heart of every Soroptimist club. More so, the federation believes that these four pillars will be the key to achieve the Soroptimist's vision of greatness.

The success of every organization depends on its dedicated members who has the passion to serve others. Hence our club conducts different  activities to augment new members and also to maintain the current members of the club.
SI SJDM conducts occasional Tea Parties. The said event are attended by friends,relatives and affiliates of our current members. The activity's program include short talks regarding the programs of the club and the process on how to join the federation.

Read more about: SIPR'S Membership PillarSIA Membership   
Related Post:  How to join our club?